All my life I’ve eaten Imperial mandarins, I guess somewhere along the line I got it stuck in my head that when it came to eating mandarins they were the best. I can’t tell you why I formed that opinion, but when it came to trying other varieties I would simply shake my head and decline. After all nothing could compete with an Imperial.
And, most of the time that was a justifiable statement, the Imperial was sweet and juicy, very satisfying. But there were also times when they were terrible, inedible in fact. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve unwrapped an Imperial only to throw it out because it was dry and tasteless. Yet dispite this hit and miss relationship I continued to buy Imperials. It even got to the point where I would buy extra Imperials in case I got a bad one.
My Story - Part 6
We do a lot of waiting when we have chronic fatigue syndrome. We get told that if we hang in there it will go away. But what happens when it doesn’t go away?
For almost 2 year I had waited, impatiently, for my CFS to go away. I’d done what I could based on what modern medicine had in its arsenal, but at best I was 65% of the person I wanted to be. It was time to start looking outside the box, because I had a wedding coming up, my wedding, and I wanted that to be a joyous day that wouldn’t leave me exhausted.
My Story - Part 5
What do you spend your time doing when you can’t do anything?
For me, I watched a lot of TV and movies. For a guy like me who loves everything about film it sounded like a good deal. I could finally work my way through The Sopranos, re-watch Band of Brothers, and delve into the vast catalogue of films that either I or Blockbuster (they still existed back then) owned.
My Story - Part 4
My Story - Part 3
My Story - Part 2
Prior to my run in with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I’d had a long history with haemorrhoids. The first time I noticed blood in my stools it scared the hell out of me, mainly because I’d lost my father to complications resulting from bowel cancer just a few years before. I knew that cancer ran in my family, so I got myself off to the doctor asap.
My Story - Part 1
Over the next six or so blog posts I’m going to tell you my story about how I got diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and how I overcame it. These posts are designed to be a top level view, more of a summary of my life and times over a two and half year period. I’ll use later posts to delve deeper into topics that are mentioned here. I encourage you to read these posts before you read the rest on the site because it’s important to understand why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is able to take over people’s lives in the first place.
This post is about why I was a good candidate for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.